What We Missed: It’s a Sad Day for Arizona Edition

Arizona Gov. Brewer has signed the horrifying immigration bill into law that essentially allows racial profiling. It is a sad day for Arizona. Rep Raul Grijalva recieved death threats for suggesting the bill be boycotted. Tea parties are in support, shocking I know. Obama called it “irresponsible,” and hopefully he will take some responsible action to rectify the situation. Word on the street (twitter) is that one person asked Governor Brewer what exactly an “illegal” looks like and she looked stumped.
Also my favorite tweets about this:
@AdamSerwer: Comforted by the knowledge that Brewer signing this bill will someday be remembered as a moment of unfathomable moral cowardice.
@miriamzperez You know the “feminist” argument that if women were in power, all would be better? Female AZ gov signing racist bill=proof this is bullshit.
@jostruitt Civil rights challenges to that AZ bill best be coming quick. Hope we see the Obama White House in action on this one.
In other news…
Racialicious asks where are the black plus-size models?
A conversation on online misogyny, “Shut Your Lady Trap and Fellate me Edition” at The Sexist.
Pew study reveals that black women are the top tweeters.
“NYC’s Rising Black Maternal Mortality Unexplained” via Women’s enews.
Oklahoma vetoed two abortion bills today for foreseeable legal troubles caused by both bills.

Teenagers are being charged with pushing a lesbian classmate off the cliff.
It is smelling like a hate crime.
A cab driver wearing a veil was fined by the French police.

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