What We Missed.

Click on the picture to learn how to make your own iTampon or take a survey to share how you feel about the naming of iPad. We are over it, but it is still kind of funny!
Prudence at Slate sets an emotional abuser straight.
A school in Virginia is banning the Diary of Anne Frank because, “sexually explicit material and homosexual themes.” Um, you have got to be kidding me. I love that book and it taught me so much when I read it, about so many important issues.
A story from a clinic worker during the Roe protests last weekend.

A study from San Francisco State found that 50% of the gay couples they studies monogamy was ‘optional.”

Arne Duncan thinks Katrina is the best thing that could have happened to New Orleans education.
What’s next? The earthquake was good for Haiti? Disgusting.

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