Elizabeth Lambert and why women can’t get aggressive in sports

I find this to be fairly interesting.

Junior Elizabeth Lambert has been suspended from her soccer team and become an internet celebrity due to her hyper-aggressive on the field conduct when New Mexico played BYU this past week.

Yes, she was being a bad sport. But this is common in men’s sporting events, from football to soccer to baseball to hockey to basketball… the list goes on.

Why is it sensationalized when women like Elizabeth or Serena Williams show aggression or behave inappropriately on the field? Almost immediately after both instances, the women were painted as being masculine, men in disguise, having male genitalia, etc in an attempt to degrade them and illegitmize their accomplishments and athletic prowess.

Male athletes can rape a woman or run fight dogs or commit crimes and do drugs and keep on going. But heavens forbid a woman even shows aggression, physical prowess, skill, or a body type that doesn’t work for a Maxim centre fold.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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