Chicago Buffer Zone Ordinance Passes

Here in Chicago, we’re thrilled with a recent victory for health care access!

On October 7, the Chicago City Council passed an ordinance establishing a buffer zone outside all medical facilities to protect health care workers, volunteers, and patients from harassment and obstruction.

A week earlier, the Chicago City Council Human Relations Committee passed an the ordinance, sponsored by Aldeman Vi Daley (D-43), to create a 50-foot zone outside the entrance health clinics and hospitals, an area in which all individuals would need permission to come within 8 feet of another person. Violations would result in a fine of up to $500. The full City Council then voted 28-13 in favor of the ordinance. Here is a list of how all the Chicago aldermen voted on the measure.

People seeking medical care at health facilities that perform abortions often face protesters outside, some of whom use intimidating and threatening tactics . In fact, Planned Parenthood of Illinois reports a significant increase in the number and aggressiveness of protesters since the May 2009 assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas. The buffer zone ordinance is intended to protect patients as well as staff and volunteers from any form of harassment. Meanwhile, the zone still preserves the right to free speech by allowing people to protest peacefully from a safe distance.

Accessing health care can be a challenge for men and women of all ages. I work for an adolescent health advocacy organization, and we know that youth, in particular, often face many hurdles to access sexual and reproductive health care — insurance coverage, transportation, and confidentiality, to name a few. Creating a safe environment outside medical buildings — free of physical obstruction and verbal harassment — is crucial for adolescents.

Mayor Richard Daley has now agreed to sign the new ordinance into law. Thank you, Mayor Daley and the City Council, for protecting the rights of all people, including youth, to gain safe access to health care.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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It’s Do or Die Time on Trumpcare – Literally

The Senate will vote to strip health care from millions in about 48 hours. This is not a drill.

Yesterday, Senate Republicans voted to proceed to debate on their taxcuts-for-billionaires “healthcare” bill. Does that mean they’ll release a bill on which to have public hearings and town halls? Nope. In Senate parliamentary language, that means they’ve started the process to vote on the bill this week.

What are they voting on, you ask? TBD, because  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell still hasn’t told anyone what is in bill. Will pregnancy be a pre-existing condition again

The Senate will vote to strip health care from millions in about 48 hours. This is not a drill.

Yesterday, Senate Republicans voted to proceed to debate on their Read More


Here’s How Many People Could Lose Healthcare To Give Billionaires a Tax Break

According to a stunning estimate from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the GOP “health care bill” gives America’s 400 wealthiest households alone a $33 billion tax break – equivalent to the cost of Medicaid for 725,800 low-income Americans.

Yesterday, following protests across the country, Senate Republicans were forced to delay a vote on the GOP health care bill (also known as the “Better Care Reconciliation Act,” or BCRA). According to the nonpartisan number-crunchers at the Congressional Budget Office, 22 million people would lose healthcare coverage under the Senate GOP bill – a loss largely ...

According to a stunning estimate from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the GOP “health care bill” gives America’s 400 wealthiest households alone a $33 billion tax break – ...