OK State Rep. Sally Kern strikes again

RAR RAR RAR RARR! This is fun.

Seems my beloved representitive is at it again, I am sure you all remember her deplorable remarks about homosexuals and “the gay agenda” not too long ago?

I can’t take it anymore! How did this woman even get voted in again?!?

What kills me the most is that this state wasn’t ever predominately Christian! We were founded as a dumping ground for Native Americans, not to mention there were tribes already here long before Europeans even settled this far!

In recent years this state has tried it’s best to reflect respect for the Native Americans, by the Gods this state’s name is Algonquin! (I think, IDK it means red people in some native american langauge, maybe Muskogian?)

And don’t even get me started on the “We are a Christian Nation” crap, Thomas Jefferson said it better in the Treaty of Tripoli Article 11: “As the Government of the United States of America, is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…..”

So yeah, I just had to get that off my chest, thanks.

And for all you other Oklahomians.. tell her what you think: sallykern@okhouse.gov

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