I want you to stop stalking “overweight” women.

This is the preview for a new WE TV show, I Want to Save Your Life.
Not only is this creepy, it’s just plain wrong in so many ways. Do we really need ANOTHER television show that tells women they are ruining their lives because of what they put in their mouths?
First of all, this guy is like a stalker, following her around, monitoring her. He’s creepy beyond belief. Secondly, this once again, for the millionth time perpetuates the myth that everyone who is overweight is secretly and guilty sneaking ice cream sundaes. We should know by now that weight is much more complex than that. Thirdly, this shit is just sensationalist. I want to save your life? This woman does not look like she is at risk of dying because of a few extra pounds.
Also, why is it always skinny white guys who have discovered the secret of weight loss and are going to teach it to women?
As the reader who sent this in said (h/t to caryb):

Since this show is about women, this is yet another example of how women’s bodies are community property, and this time the justification is health and in the promo, the woman isn’t even that fat, which makes this even more ridiculous. These things are never about health, they’re always about body politics in my opinion.
I hope this show goes the way of the dodo.

Note: After posting this, I amended the title and added the quotes around the word “overweight.” I did this because I disagree with the suggestion that these women, or women of any weight, are not the norm. Also the show obviously is using it’s own screwed up standards to decide who needs these interventions.

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