The Outrageous Acts Campaign

The Ms. Foundation is doing a fun new campaign in honor of Gloria Steinem’s upcoming (75th!) birthday. Check it out:

From the website:

In the spirit of Gloria and in recognition of the outrageous acts Ms. Foundation grantees do every day, we invite you to commit, share and support outrageous acts in the cause of simple justice. Acts that change the world in ways large and small, acts that support change from the ground up, acts that shift our or others’ thinking about issues of equity and justice in our lives.

So go for it and let the Ms. Foundation know what wild thing you do. They’ve got lots of ideas of what constitutes “outrageous” action listed, but I thought we might add some of our own suggestions as a perpetually innovative and always surprising feministing community. To get you started…
1. Buzz cut your hair.
2. Give a huge tip to someone that makes you coffee.
3. Join a union.
4. Come out at work.
5. Learn everything you can about a foreign conflict.
6. Tell the person you’re making out with exactly how you like it.
7. Tell an old woman how beautiful she is.
8. Stop buying magazines that make you feel like shit about your body.
9. Write a letter telling that magazine why you’re not buying it anymore.
10. Go see an independent film made by a woman.

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