Miss March

I just got back from seeing The Uninvited. I have no qualms about the film itself but three of the trailers left a bad taste in my mouth. Two of them: Fired Up and I Love You Man have been ranted about earlier by CourageDog. So I will focus on Miss March
Miss March is about a guy who was going to sleep with his girlfriend on prom night but gets knocked out and put into a coma before he gets to. Four years later, he wakes up. By the looks of the trailer it’s because his friend hits with a baseball bat. Yeah, way to be a friend. The girlfriend is now a Playboy centerfold, so the guys decide to take a road trip to the Playboy Mansion so he can sleep with her now. But that’s not the part of the trailer that really bothered me. At one point they hitch a ride on a rapper’s tour bus. The main character is “obligated” to sleep with one of the groupies (he wanted to save himself for his old girlfriend) but while in the backroom the bus stops and the woman flies out the window. Does he do anything about this life-threatening accident? No, he just walks out of the room. Then the two are kicked off a bus and hitch a ride with a “lesbian” couple. I use quotes because their behavior isn’t what real lesbians do. The guys are driving their car and they are making out in the backseat.
I posted a comment on the YouTube page for the trailer expressing my disgust at these two parts. I got this as a response:
you realize its a comedy movie and theyre making fun of them. get a sense of humor. lol
this is 2009

Exactly, it’s 2009. We should be civilized not to objectify women and laugh when they are in life-threatening accidents. But unfortunately we are not. I’m not going to laugh at entertainment portraying fake lesbians that give real lesbians/bisexuals a bad name.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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