You’ve just insulted a sixteen year old girl. That is so cool.

Again, a bit of a rant. It’s my recent personal experience with some truly bigoted people on the internet .

I recently posted a vlog on youtube . I’ll be the first to admit it was a stupid thing to do. Not only was it not very well thought out, but it was twenty minutes long.

I deleted it the day after I posted it.

But there is a bit more to the story than that.

I originally did the thing to post on facebook . I had seen a lot of people who seemed perfectly nice do disgusting things on the site. One of the main ones was a "piece of flair" that went around my high school. I deleted it as soon as I got it, but perhaps I should of saved it to. I can only say it was similar to this:


The main difference is it also showed two same sex couples, which were labeled "perversion".

Yuck, right? It was also sent to my out male friend, by a girl who we both knew. She had always seemed nice and polite. I found it shocking that she could turn into such a bigot.

I’ve also gotten sick and tired being blasted by people I consider my friends for considering myself a feminist. Not to mention all sorts of little things I see every day in the high school environment .

So I ranted to a webcam for twenty minutes. I intended to post it on my facebook , and hopefully get all my friends on there to stop and think before they send people things, say something, etc.

Then I proceeded to make a very stupid decision. I posted it on youtube . This was Monday .

I then went to bed, got up, and went to school. I checked a on my youtube a couple times through out the day. I got one comment, which was quip about my neurotic tendencies . During a period where I had already taken my final and had access to a computer, I posted one here about the comment, and other ways people have tried to get minorities to be quite.

I came home. I left for a little bit, as I had other things to do. When I come back, I was in for a surprise. I suddenly had over two hundred views and and pages of comments.

Unfortunately, almost all weren’t exactly nice.

Here are a few example:

  • wow you suck at speaking please sew your mouth shut put a bag over your head and stay in the kitchen
  • IM A VICTIM! BAAAAW !Get back in the fucking kitchen, dumb cunt.
    men rule the world for a reason you should keep ur mouth shut before we stop allowing u to speak
  • you best be trollin ‘ if not goback 2kitchen and we are all the feminists so butt fucking ugly prolly cause the hot chicks can get what they want so they dont
  • *Sigh* don’t mess with 4chan . You dam thing/object. Only ugly women bitch and complain. You don’t deserve to marry and ahahah JEW don’t care holocaust was a good thing. Wait you ARE FEMALE you look like a male whos balls didn’t drop.

feel "oppressed".
My two personal favorites have to be these(the later being on my profile after I took the videos down):

  • You’re not bi. You’re an over reacting pseudo intellectual Jew-bitch who needs to get over herself.
  • Aaaaw poor feminist can’t? handle a bit of ribbing, so you put your video up to tell everyone about feminism, then take it down when people start making sexist comments, your not a feminist, your an ugly bitch who can’t get laid, so you claim to be a feminist.

Wow, that’s almost funny. First, someone feels the need to deny my sexuality and bring my culture into the discussion. I only mentioned being Jewish a couple times through out the video. Yet for some reason this was of concern to them

The second is just effing funny. The fact that someone decided to call me an "ugly bitch" and tell me about my sex life(since they are obviously an expert on a complete stranger’s ability to get some) is just amusing.

So, I deleted the videos. Not because I can’t handle "a bit of ribbing," but because I a)would like to continue being safe, b) realized the video wasn’t well thought out, and c) because I didn’t want to limit my options. I’ve heard horror stories of things that have happened to female bloggers . And if that video had stayed online , it could of fallen into the "wrong" hands. I could of offended some people who actually have power over me(i.e teachers), rather than just those who spent their time watching random youtube videos. The thing is still up on my facebook , but only my friends can view it.

I can’t say I’m shocked at how bigoted most of the comments were. But I can say I’m disgusted . The internet is an anonymous place. People are willing to say things that they would never say in real life. This can be a good thing, but this can also awful. I think the comments are a showcase of how much intolerance still exists in the world today. People just hide it better.

It also makes me laugh at how just how many people seemed proud of the fact they called a sixteen year old girl fat and ugly. Almost. But it’s also pretty frustrating that so many people think they have a right to act like this just because they don’t have to show their face. Just because they don’t have to deal with any real consequences.

I also wonder what the reactions would be if I looked like Jessica Alba, or I talked about Twilight rather than a real issue. i think this brings up an interesting problem in society: "Pretty" woman can be seen and even heard as long as they talk about something frivolous, "ugly" woman might as well kill themselves, unless they can find some way to serve men.

Really, even with completely non-threatening videos made by those who are considered hot in the mainstream, I still see all sorts of ugly comments. One that comes to mind was a character from the fake vlog series lonelygirl 15. The character was named "Gemma ," and ever other comment on her entries was asking her to show them tits or get on camera in something skimpier. Interestingly enough, when the creators provided a character that was considered "hot" but was considered a "whore" and even -gasp- a feminist, the majority of fans reacted with all sorts of sexist comments. In the section of the forums where people could interact with the characters of the series, every other thread was calling her a whore and asking the character to kill herself. I stopped watching after that. I haven’t been back to the site since.

I don’t really know how to end this post, so I’m sort of going to. I’d enjoy questions, comments, etc. But they are not needed. I just thought some of you might like to know about this.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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