University of Calgary takes on Genocide Awareness Project

Bravo. The University of Calgary, after trying to negotiate with the Campus Pro-Life Club to ensure that the disgusting Genocide Awareness Project placards were not visible to passersby, have called city police to investigate them.

This has been one of those seemingly endless debates between freedom of speech, and violation of women’s rights. Not only is GAP extremely offensive to anyone who’s pro-choice, it’s damned hurtful to women who’ve had abortions. Being compared to Nazis? Nice, really nice. Holocaust or genocide survivor? Guess what? Your pain is being used against women.

The University of Calgary has also put up warning signs around the display that people have to cross, in order to get to it.

Here’s an article about what’s been happening. Some exerpts:

University of Calgary officials say they won’t kick an anti-abortion group behind a controversial poster display off campus, but have asked police to investigate whether the group has broken any laws.


The university also put up signs warning students and staff about the University of Calgary Campus Pro-Life Club’s "extremely graphic" poster display, which the group put on display Wednesday morning outside MacEwan Student Centre.

The officials’ signs said the group didn’t have the university’s "permission or endorsement."

The also said, "The university is now taking appropriate legal action."

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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