I *can* get behind that.

During my ritual browsing this morning, I happened to notice a really cool post on one of my favourite webcomics that made me sigh contentedly. I mean, people don’t always need a pat on the back for doing the right thing, but I think it helps:

So I am really pissed about Proposition 8 in California. Until I visited this weekend, I had no idea it was such a close-run issue, and when I started getting emails Monday morning from people alarmed at the pro-Proposition-8 ads appearing on my website, I was genuinely horrified. I am SO ANGRY that these homophobic idiots tried to co-opt my website with their crap. Vote against Proposition 8, people. Gay dudes and ladies should have all the rights straight dudes and ladies have.

Anyway, I have done what I can to make sure those ads don’t show up on the site anymore (it is in Google’s hands now). I will also be donating all of the money I made off of Google Ads today to GLAAD , because I am intensely uncomfortable with the idea of profiting off homophobia.

I don’t normally talk about my political beliefs on this site, as I am pretty sure you all are here for funny comics about cute girls with problems, not me yelling about how awesome I think Barack Obama is. But honestly, I think he’s pretty awesome. I think everybody should vote for him!

Anyway I promise no more political stuff after the election. Enjoy the guest strip, regular QC resumes tomorrow. See you then!

okay time to sit back and watch the angry Republican email wash in.

In that spirit, thanks Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content. The man can turn a relatively unknown album into a hipsters top 10 dream with a mere name drop, so it’s safe to say he has some interwebz influence. It’s cool that he used it to a) call out the BS of google ads and b) firmly place his support behind the LGBTQ community and a great presidental candidate.

And by the way, you can indulge your inner nerd at his website, here .

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

I'm a 25 year old small business owner trying to make in Alberta. Majoring in International development with a minor in Gender and Sexuality studies means I (try to be) fully involved in activism in my community and globally. My biggest interests lie in the areas of reproductive and sexual health, and access to services. And of course, ranting endlessly about the shambles that politics where I live, both federally and provincially, are starting to fail the public in the name of sating business enterprise. Weird, considering that I'm a greedy corporate bastard myself. ^_^

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