Amy Poehler is my Hero.

Click on pic for trailer.
Amy is coming out with a new digital series with ON networks that celebrates young girls who are changing the world by being themselves. The show – Smart Girls at the Party – aims to help girls find confidence in their own aspirations and talents, and to prove that you don’t have to be famous to be interesting.
Amy, we love you.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

I'm a 25 year old small business owner trying to make in Alberta. Majoring in International development with a minor in Gender and Sexuality studies means I (try to be) fully involved in activism in my community and globally. My biggest interests lie in the areas of reproductive and sexual health, and access to services. And of course, ranting endlessly about the shambles that politics where I live, both federally and provincially, are starting to fail the public in the name of sating business enterprise. Weird, considering that I'm a greedy corporate bastard myself. ^_^

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