Feminist Bridal Shower?

The first of my close friends is getting married soon, and I have found myself helping plan the bridal shower.  I’ve attended perhaps one shower before, and don’t recall much of that, so I have been perusing the interwebs for bridal shower games.  The pickings are… um, questionable at best.  List 10 things that one might find in a purse, the woman with the most things in her purse wins!  Put cookie ingredients on a table without a recipe, see if your bride-to-be has the mad kitchen skills to put together a decent cookie!  They go from mundanely insulting in a Betty Crocker-esque fashion to things like the following game from bridalshower.com, which is wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin:

<strongThe Worst Chore

Everyone is asked to share the chores around the house that they hate the most and the reason why they hate the chore.

The chore is then replaced with the word "sex" and reread aloud. They then end up with . . . "I hate sex because (the reason they hate their chore)" "

Oh hilarity!  Because sex is such a pain, isn’t it ladies, just like the dishes.  I would really love to have some shower games that don’t involve making dresses out of toilet paper or an inordinate focus on gifts she’s going to get (they are opting for charity donations or microloans to Kiva instead) or that are completely built around ridiculous cliches like "women live out of their purse."

That being said, this will be a group of diverse women, of various ages and backgrounds and I can see where these types of games lends some sense of continuity and tradition to the bridal shower.  And of course, many of these could be tailored to the bride-to-be, for example, we are holidng a spice shower where everyone brings a spice and recipe, because the guest of honor loves to cook, not because it’s what a good wife should be able to do.  The overabundance of these archaically "feminine" oriented games is what I find problematic.  Does anyone have any thoughts on alternative games or just the bridal shower in general?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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