Kim Kardashian: Present Day Venus Hottentot

Ok, so I watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I admit it. I really like the fashion and the ridiculous, over-the-top antics. I know this is a scripted ‘reality’ show. To loosely quote Joel McHale from E! show The Soup, Kim Kardashian is ‘famous for having a big butt and a sex tape.’ She is also the daugther of the late Robert Kardashian (lawyer for O.J. Simpson) and stepdaughter of Olympic champion Bruce Jenner. The DVD cover for the first season for the show looks like this:

Kim and her ass are clearly the star of the show and the other family members are just background to her behind. It just reinforces why they have a show to begin with. She has been reduced to a one-part sex object instead of being regarded as a whole person.
It reminds me of Sara Baartman, also known as the Venus Hottentot. She was an African woman who was paraded around to be displayed as a sideshow attraction for white people fascinated with 19th century exoticism. A hateful mix of racism and sexism. She was famous for her prominent behind and ‘interesting genitals.’ I have read a lot about her and have still not found out what was interesting about them. Anyone who knows PLEASE leave in comments.
As far as women have advanced, it is disheartening that we are still so often reduced to our parts.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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