What does “sex positive” mean to you?

I have seen the term “sex positive” pop up a lot in the blog world lately, but I am still not entirely sure what it means.
I think I have a better grasp on what it is to be “sex negative.”
To me, that would be someone who considers sex and sexuality to be shameful and dirty and wrong, especially for women, who should consider it their distasteful duty to their husbands. I also think those who only want sex to be reserved for reproduction — no contraceptives for you!  — are sex negative, since it’s pretty clear that sexuality is about a lot more than just baby-making.

Then, there was the woman I met in college who told me all heterosexual sex was rape because of the inequity between men and women in the patriarchy. Only lesbians, according to her, could have consensual sex. That seemed a bit sex negative to me, and I considered her sex negative.
Being sex positive, on the other hand, should be pretty simple, right? As I initially understood it, someone who is sex  positive is comfortable with their sexuality and is not ashamed of having sex and enjoying sex as often as possible.
I have always felt being sex positive meant understanding there are different kinds of sexual expression, and that, as long as all parties involved are consenting adults and no one gets hurt, it’s all good.
But it really isn’t that simple, is it? I specifically used the word “adults” above because, while I realize kids and teens are sexual beings (I know I was one), the idea of 12-year-olds having oral sex icks me out. Does that make me sex negative?
And back to adults again, I find much of mainstream pornography unappealing. What’s up with the ridiculous positions and uncomfortable settings? And why do the women give endless BJs (some clock in at 10 minutes, yes, I checked), while them getting head back is either much shorter (and the camera inevitably pans to her face and not her genitals) or non-existent. And when do the women come? Is that not important? And why, why, why must almost every film now end with him ejaculating in her face? Does feeling this way about the San Fernando Valley’s finest make me sex negative?
Does being appalled that so many young men and women no longer use condoms for multiple casual encounters make me sex negative? Am I sex negative for not thinking herpes is “so whatevs?”
Am I sex negative for having really mixed feelings about prostitution? That I worry that, for every happy Moonlite Bunny Ranch member there are 50 illegal immigrants from Eastern Europe and Asia in sexual slavery? Am I sex negative for wondering if the clientele is the same?
Anyway, I would love to hear what “sex positive” means to you. As you can tell, I’m kind of conflicted. 

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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