Thank You Thursdays: Maeve Reston

We showed you McCain stumbling over the question of whether birth control should, indeed, be covered by insurance companies in the same way Viagra is (answer=hell yes). But who asked the question?
Many news outlets have alluded to “the woman from the LA Times,” but we wanted to name her and thank her for doing what journalists are supposed to do–ask the hard questions and demand answers from our nation’s political power players. Thank you Maeve Reston!
By the way, I love that community blogger JentheFem and others have started to write their own Thank You Thursdays. The best form of flattery!

We showed you McCain stumbling over the question of whether birth control should, indeed, be covered by insurance companies in the same way Viagra is (answer=hell yes). But who asked the question?
Many news outlets ...

Domestic workers enslaved in the U.S.

Carolyn Frederickson of the ACLU’s DC office writes on the community blog:

Yesterday, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its report [PDF] on government efforts to address the abuse of domestic workers by foreign diplomats within the United States. The report confirmed what advocates, service providers and victims have long known: that this deeply troubling problem runs deep, and through its inaction and dilatory behavior, the State Department has unwittingly facilitated the exploitation, abuse and enslavement of poor, vulnerable women, some in the shadows of the nation’s capital.

Go read the rest. The ACLU’s site has more information about these women, including audio clips of them telling their stories. One woman, Raziah Begum, came to New ...

Carolyn Frederickson of the ACLU’s DC office writes on the community blog:

Yesterday, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its report [PDF] on government efforts to address the abuse of domestic workers by foreign diplomats ...

Are Older Men Happier Than Older Women?

A new US/UK study argues that younger women are happier than younger men and older men are happier than older women:

later in life…men come closer than women to fulfilling their material goods and family life aspirations, are more satisfied with their financial situation and family life, and are the happier of the two genders.

This seems dubious to me. Most of the older women I know are really frickin’ happy. They’ve shed their “good girl” conditioning, they don’t care as much if they look perfect, and they often have this sort of second lease on life attitude where they try new careers, new places to live, even new partners.
A lot of the older men I know, on the other ...

A new US/UK study argues that younger women are happier than younger men and older men are happier than older women:

later in life…men come closer than women to fulfilling their material goods and family life aspirations, ...

Radical Queer Femmes Gather at the Femme2008 Conference

My fellow Missouri Feminist Mafia™ member, the incomparable Katie Spencer, gave me a heads up about this awesome conference. More info below from the organizers… –Ann

Femme2008 Conference: The Architecture of Femme!
Who: Femme Collective, along with speakers Dorothy Allison, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and Julia Serano
When: August 15-17, 2008
Where: Chicago Wyndham O’Hare
How: Register online! Registration is still open, and is $95. You can get all the conference details at
Guest post by Charlotte Albrecht, Femme Mafia Twin Cities
For months now, I have been looking forward to attending Femme2008: The Architecture of Femme this August in Chicago. It has been just a few years since I started ...

My fellow Missouri Feminist Mafia™ member, the incomparable Katie Spencer, gave me a heads up about this awesome conference. More info below from the organizers… –Ann

Femme2008 Conference: The Architecture of Femme!

Not Oprah’s Book Club: Catch Up Edition

I get so many amazing books and I only have so many hours in the day, so I thought I would direct you all to other reviews/posts about some of the great books on my shelf that I’ll never get to (at this rate, anyway):
a review of
No Seat at the Table: How Corporate Governance and Law Keep Women Out of the Boardroom by Douglas M. Branson
a blog post on Maria Mitchell and the Sexing of Science: An Astronomer among the American Romantics by Renee Bergland
Righting Feminism: Conservative Women & American Politics by Ronnee Shreiber recommended by the Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics
Firedoglake on The Family: The Secret ...

I get so many amazing books and I only have so many hours in the day, so I thought I would direct you all to other reviews/posts about some of the great books on my shelf that ...

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