Yale Women’s Center harassers found not guilty by school

yalezetapsi1.jpg Some bad news via Female Impersonator:

At the beginning of the semester, there was an incident here at Yale involving a “fraternity prank” and the Women’s Center where 12 members of the Zeta Psi frat stood in front of the Women’s Center chanting “dick dick dick dick” while holding a sign saying “We Love Yale Sluts.” Quite the incident.
On Monday, the Executive Committee of Yale College found the members of this group not guilty of intimdiation [sic] and harassment charges. No charges of sexual harassment were ever filed, even though complaints were issued with the Sexual Harassment Grievance Board.

The men also intimidated women trying to enter the center. But I guess that’s not harassment, huh? One of the harassed women penned an article for the college paper, noting that she has no recourse to appeal the decision and that “all 12 brothers of Zeta Psi were allowed to read my written affidavit before they wrote their own — 12 iterations of the same collective story.” Charming.
Thanks to Kari for the link.

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