Is feminism passé?

The Globe and Mail certainly thinks it is (headline above). They even say “it’s official.”
And what is this “official” evidence that feminism isn’t in vogue? Well, the reporter’s daughter and niece don’t know who Gloria Steinem is and don’t read Ms. magazine. Pack up your things, ladies; that’s proof enough for me!
You know, I’ve really had enough of the sentiment that young women don’t care about feminism because they don’t necessarily relate to the second wave. Young women don’t need to be NOW members to be activists, and they don’t need to read Ms. or vote for Hillary Clinton to prove their feminist bona fides.
It’s folks like reporter Karen Vohn Hahn that are doing feminism a disservice, because they’re incapable of looking past what feminism has meant to them to see the feminist work that’s happening across the country (and the world) while they sit around opining that no one has consciousness raising groups anymore.
And if we really want to talk about who is abandoning feminist values, let’s talk about women who buy into the idea that the pop culture ideal of young women is what actual young women are like. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know any girls going wild; I don’t know any Paris Hiltons or apathetic “giggling” (yes, she calls us giggling) shoppers. I know activists, I know students, I know women who are making a difference in their communities. And they’re all pretty damn “stylish” to me.

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