Biker chicks

I liked this story about Harley Davidson making bikes for women, because the changes they’ve made aren’t stupid things like makeup mirrors or pink paint. They’re mostly practical modifications that women riders actually need:

“Fifty percent of the population is female and there is pent-up demand,� said James L. Ziemer, Harley-Davidson’s chief executive. “We need to remove barriers.�
So they are producing more motorcycles that are low to the ground — so women can plant their feet firmly at rest — with narrower seats and softer clutches, and adjusting handlebars and windshields to make bikes more comfortable for smaller riders.

Ok, so they’re also selling rhinestone-studded merchandise and decorating with more plants. Gag. But thank god their marketing site for women isn’t pink. And the changes to the actual product seem truly beneficial to real women — unlike some prototype cars “for and by women,” which feature crap such as changeable seat covers to match your outfit and computer-aided parking (because y’all know men don’t need the help). In contrast, Harley-Davidson’s more practical changes to their motorcycles, along with the stated mission to treat women as serious buyers when they enter the showroom, is a great tactic. Way to market to women without condescension.

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Quick Hit: What Can you do with $443,360 and 12 years?

That’s how much money some working women are missing out on as a result of wage disparities among genders. According to the Huffington Post:

“The typical full-time working woman stands to miss out on $443,360 over 40 years because of the gender wage gap, according to an April report from the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC). That means a woman would have to work 12 years longer then her male counterpart just to break even.”

With that much time and money I could pay off my $90,000 student loan bill and get 2 doctorates. I could travel the world and start a family. I could buy a home, a fairly nice one depending on where I live. I could start a ...

That’s how much money some working women are missing out on as a result of wage disparities among genders. According to the Huffington Post:

“The typical full-time working woman stands to miss out on $443,360 over ...

Yes, we still have to call out sexism against Marissa Mayer

The news that former Google executive Marissa Mayer had been appointed President and CEO of Yahoo – just a few days before announcing her pregnancy – was met with feminist glee back in July. But the honeymoon between Mayer and feminists is long over, following revelations that Mayer doesn’t particularly care for feminism, nor does she fully understand how her actions could have wide ramifications for working moms or promote the kinds of policies that have long been considered the most family-friendly and, by extension, feminist.

Frankly, I’m as turned off by all of these disclosures as the next feminist blogger. As Chloe put it when the video of Mayer’s rejection of the feminist label surfaced, Mayer’s ...

The news that former Google executive Marissa Mayer had been appointed President and CEO of Yahoo – just a few days before announcing her pregnancy – was met with feminist glee back in July. But the ...