We Got Issues! Q&A on WireTap

If you have the time, check out my interview with Rha Goddess and JLove Calderon, editors of We Got Issues! A Young Woman’s Guide to a Bold, Courageous and Empowered Life. They have lots of powerful things to say. Happy Thursday!

UPDATE (Jessica):
Hey, just wanted to say that I just started reading this book and it’s fucking awesome. I’m planning on doing a full review, but just wanted to sing it’s praises here as well.

If you have the time, check out my interview with Rha Goddess and JLove Calderon, editors of We Got Issues! A Young Woman’s Guide to a Bold, Courageous and Empowered Life. They have ...

Lame duck congress feels your fetal pain

You’ve gotta love it when the National Catholic Register says “the future looks grim” for anti-choice legislation. The antis are worried that a Democratic congress won’t support riders such as the disastrous Hyde Amendment, which eliminated Medicaid funding for abortion. I think that’s unlikely to happen. But they also say the more pro-choice congress will increase Title X family planning funds, which is well within the realm of possibility. Wheeee!
Until then, the lame-duck congress will be trying to push through a few more anti-choice bills. Specifically the ridiculous and scientifically unsupported fetal pain legislation:

Abortion providers would be required to inform the mothers that evidence exists that the procedure would cause pain ...

You’ve gotta love it when the National Catholic Register says “the future looks grim” for anti-choice legislation. The antis are worried that a Democratic congress won’t support riders such as the disastrous Hyde ...

Not over-the-counter, not even behind it…

I’ve spent most of the past few weeks packing, moving and driving across the country to start my new job as associate web editor at The American Prospect in D.C. So I missed my chance to write a timely post about the FDA’s eased restrictions on Plan B sales.
This month Barr Labs finished repackaging the drug, and some pharmacies are starting to sell it without a prescription to women over 18. So most of the press coverage has incorrectly stated that Plan B is available “over-the-counter”. It’s not just the local news outlets that are getting it wrong. The Washington Post did say that, “Unlike many other OTC medications, ...

I’ve spent most of the past few weeks packing, moving and driving across the country to start my new job as associate web editor at The American Prospect in D.C. So I missed my chance ...

Women talk more than men.

What to say? This study finds men are wired differently then women and this results in women talking more.

In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day – 13,000 more than the average man.
Women also speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat – and actually get a buzz out of hearing their own voices, a new book suggests.
The book – written by a female psychiatrist – says that inherent differences between the male and female brain explain why women are naturally more talkative than men.
In The Female Mind, Dr Luan Brizendine says women devote more brain cells to talking than men.
And, if ...

What to say? This study finds men are wired differently then women and this results in women talking more.

In fact, women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words ...

Sex trafficking in Benin City, Nigeria.

Nigeria seems to have turned into a hotspot for women being smuggled into the sex trade. This shit is crazy.

Trafficking women for prostitution became a problem in Benin City in the mid-1980s when free-market economic reforms led to massive job losses and impoverished many Nigerians.Today, the Nigeria-Italy prostitution trade has become a sinister, self-propagating cycle.
Now, more than 80 percent of Nigerian women trafficked abroad to work in the sex trade come from Edo state, where Benin City is located, according to United Nations estimates. The main destination is Italy.

The reality is some women choose this, but many are smuggled not only for sex work, but for forced labor and domestic help. But this is the part that really got ...

Nigeria seems to have turned into a hotspot for women being smuggled into the sex trade. This shit is crazy.

Trafficking women for prostitution became a problem in Benin City in the mid-1980s when free-market economic reforms led ...

Best. Auction. Ever.

This is amazing. The Center for New Words (home of WAM!) is holding a benefit online celebrity auction.
Some of the items up for bidding:
Katha Pollitt edits your manuscript
Novelist Thisbe Nissen names a character in her next book after you
Former Head Writer for Six Feet Under Jill Soloway edits your script
A shooting script from SCRUBS, signed by all the lead cast members
Legendary cartoonist Jennifer Camper designs your tattoo
An evening of conversation with Cynthia Enloe
A signed limited edition broadside from Margaret Atwood
Hot shit. Go start bidding!

This is amazing. The Center for New Words (home of WAM!) is holding a benefit online celebrity auction.
Some of the items up for bidding:
Katha Pollitt edits your manuscript
Novelist Thisbe ...

Women’s shelter loses funding for counseling men

Just wondering what folks thought of this:

For 10 years, New York state gave $42,000 a year to the Vera House battered women’s shelter to run a program for abusive men.
But state officials discovered the Syracuse agency had committed a serious breach of contract: It tried to change the bad guys. So for the last three years, the state cut off the money.
The state Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence forbids any state-funded batterers programs from trying to rehabilitate abusers.

This is a hard one for me. I’m all for trusting the experts in the violence against women field, but any program that could be seen as encouraging women (even indirectly) to stay in abusive relationships ...

Just wondering what folks thought of this:

For 10 years, New York state gave $42,000 a year to the Vera House battered women’s shelter to run a program for abusive men.
But state officials discovered the Syracuse ...

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