Illegal abortions kill Kenyan girls.

Yes that’s right. Abortion is illegal in Kenya and as a result thousands of girls and women die every year from back alley abortions. Now I don’t know much about the government of Kenya, but I do know that part of Bush’s foreign policy in Africa (in general, recognizing the Western bullshit of discussing Africa as though it is one whole country itself) is one that supports abstinence instead of actual reproductive rights, but anyways. . .

One organization – Family Health Options Kenya – says it’s time to “break the silence� about illegal abortions. Dr. Joachim Osur is assistant programs director. From Nairobi, he spoke to VOA English to Africa Service reporter Joe De Capua about illegal abortions.
“The maternal deaths that are related to pregnancy are still very high. About 590 per 100,000 live births. One-third of these deaths are caused by unsafe abortions. So, for every third woman who dies from pregnancy related problems, the death is because of an unsafe abortion,� he says.
Dr. Osur describes one graphic scene attributed to illegal abortions. “A few months ago, we had a lot of fetuses thrown in the streets. These fetuses had been aborted. And what it looks like is that someone was doing it illegally and did not know where to take these fetuses. So they were thrown somewhere and the public came across them.�
He says that some women who want abortions trigger them by inserting sticks, knitting needles or spoons, for example, into their uteruses. Others may go to traditional healers or people with some medical knowledge, but who know little about abortions. The result can be infection and sterility or even death, according to Dr. Osur.

Need I say more?
via VOA.

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