US women feel financially shaky.

No shit. I love how these articles talk about women working like it happened yesterday, as though working class women haven’t been working for a while (not to mention that work in the house is WORK). But let me not digress. This study found women are not feeling too good about their financial state.

When asked “How secure do you feel financially?” just 10 percent of the women respondents said they felt extremely secure, the survey found. Fifty-seven percent said they felt somewhat secure, and 33 percent said they didn’t feel secure at all.
Women’s feelings about money are important because they are increasingly likely to find themselves responsible for managing their own financial affairs. Some never marry, others outlive husbands and divorce is a common phenomenon in American society.

No kidding!

Asked what the barriers were to getting involved in managing savings and investments, more than 40 percent of the women surveyed said a lack of knowledge was the biggest impediment. Others said they found finances to be confusing or said they were too busy with families or their careers.

I don’t find finances confusing. I just don’t make any money. But I do think this is something young women need to be talking about. Women are never taught about finances because it is assumed they will marry someone who will worry about it. Now what if we aren’t gonna do that?
via AP.

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