Kuwaiti election includes women.

After gaining the right to vote and run in parlimentary elections back in May 2005, women will be participating in the Kuwaiti elections this Thursday for the first time.
How exciting!

Kuwait holds parliamentary elections on Thursday in which women can run for office and cast votes for the first time in a national poll in the oil-producing Gulf Arab country.
More than 250 candidates are standing, including 28 women determined to make headway despite daunting odds against any female candidate beating seasoned male opponents, many of them former parliamentarians seeking re-election.
“The participation of women in the elections makes this a historic day for Kuwait,” said U.S.-educated female candidate Fatima al-Abdali. “The success of any woman will be a victory for all Kuwaiti, Gulf and Arab women.”

How many women are actually elected is yet to be seen, it is still a radical shift in the electoral process.
via Reuters.

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