Woman of the Week

And she’s a New Yorker. I’m in love!
New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney has introduced legislation that would regulate the advertisement of “crisis pregnancy centers” that aim to convince pregnant women against having abortions.
The centers are all owned by anti-choicers, and use names and signs intended to look like Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. When the women arrive, the coercion begins. “Women I’ve talked to are just unbelievably shaken by it,” says Maloney. “One said they closed the door and wouldn’t let her get out.”
The bill would essentially require the Federal Trade Commission to prohibit any group from advertising “with the intent to deceptively create the impression that such person is ...

And she’s a New Yorker. I’m in love!
New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney has introduced legislation that would regulate the advertisement of “crisis pregnancy centers” that aim to convince pregnant women against having abortions.
The ...

A fitting end to Drunk Sluts Week…

Broadsheet links to this article by ex-Wonkette Ana Marie Cox, who takes on the recent warnings against girls going wild. She mentions James Garbarino’s new book, See Jane Hit, which examines “the less savory outcome of freeing girls to excel beyond gender stereotypes.” (Garbarino must have thought Mean Girls was poignent social commentary.) Cox takes his idea– that girls haven’t yet learned to deal with their freedom from gender norms– and argues that it’s fine for girls to go wild… just not too wild. I’m not sure if I buy this part of her argument, but I’ll run with it:

Freeing girls from stereotypes hasn’t made them ...

Broadsheet links to this article by ex-Wonkette Ana Marie Cox, who takes on the recent warnings against girls going wild. She mentions James Garbarino’s new book,

Young feminists mobilizing.

Make sure to check out the info for the NOW National Conference and Young Feminist Summit to be held in Albany, NY this July.
Side note: I love the fact that “Young Feminist Summit” has been written in graffiti as well as taken out the “g” in every verb. ‘Cause us young’uns are down with slangin’.

Make sure to check out the info for the NOW National Conference and Young Feminist Summit to be held in Albany, NY this July.
Side note: I love the fact that “Young Feminist Summit” has ...

Casual sex is for the lost and drunk.

A recent study has shown that 9 out of 10 women say that they believe one-night stands are immoral. While they didn’t condemn the sluts, er, I mean women who decide to engage in casual sex, they felt that they do so due to “something lacking in their lives” or because “they had got drunk or high on drugs.”
Because no emotionally stable or sober women would ever have sex purely for pleasure or anything.
The most infuriating thing about this study is that the research involved interviews from a whopping 46 women.

A recent study has shown that 9 out of 10 women say that they believe one-night stands are immoral. While they didn’t condemn the sluts, er, I mean women who decide to engage in casual ...

Sex Worker Artistes

On Wednesday, the sex worker rights magazine Spread opened its first art exhibit titled, “Sex Worker Visions.” Artists include former SuicideGirl and illustrator Molly Crabapple, sex activist Heather Corinna, exotic dancer and photographer Charise Isis, and former prostitute and filmmaker Anne Hanavan.
So if you’re in or by NYC, get thee to the LGBT Community Center, where the exhibition is being held.

On Wednesday, the sex worker rights magazine Spread opened its first art exhibit titled, “Sex Worker Visions.” Artists include former SuicideGirl and illustrator Molly Crabapple, sex activist Heather Corinna, exotic dancer and ...

We look purty.

Welcome to the new site! Please be patient, as we’ll be working out some kinks over the next few days.
An extra special thanks to John for help making this happen.

Welcome to the new site! Please be patient, as we’ll be working out some kinks over the next few days.
An extra special thanks to John for help making this happen.

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