New test tells women their reproductive “expiration date”

A new test claims to be able to tell women how long they will be fertile. Or as some oh-so-enlightened folks would say, it gauges women’s reproductive “expiration date.”

The kit assesses the number of eggs in a woman’s ovaries and then predicts the ovarian reserves over the next two years. This will help women decide how long they can delay conceiving.
…The Plan Ahead test by Lifestyle Choices, costs £179 and is only available privately. It measures three hormones in the blood – two ovarian hormones called Inhibin B and AMH, and the pituitary hormone called FSH.
Combining these three results gives a forecast of the number of eggs in reserve, meaning that women who may face an early menopause are given a warning that they may not want to delay conceiving for too long.

I suppose this is cool, but the usefulness of this test is shadowed by the whole hurry-up-and-get-to-birthin-babies scare tactic we’re seeing so often these days. Anyone think they would partake?

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