Employer tried to force woman to have abortion

You think your boss is an asshole? Guaranteed not as much as April Thompson does.

Because of various health issues, April Thompson said she had reason to believe she might never have a child.
When she got pregnant, the joy she wanted to share with her employer quickly turned sour when, she said, her boss demanded that she get an abortion or risk losing her job.
Thompson’s attorney, Ed Buckley, said the woman eventually was fired by Piedmont Management Associates, a homeowners association management firm, for refusing to get the abortion.
Thompson recently filed a lawsuit in Fulton County Superior Court against the company and its president, Celia Ebert, on grounds of discrimination and emotional duress. “We believe that the conduct of forcing a women to get an abortion falls into intentional infliction of emotional distress,” Buckley said.

Um yeah, I would say so.
According to the lawsuit, Thompson had endometriosis and was considering a hysterectomy. After seeking a second opinion from a fertility doctor she decided on laparoscopy surgery instead. Apparently once Thompson’s boss found out she was seeing a fertility doc, she freaked and told her she was “worried that she was trying to get pregnant.”
Ebert allegedly went on to say, “If you get pregnant, you will have to move because I am not putting up with any babies around here and you also won’t have a job,…The guys and I do not even hire single mothers because of the problems. I know you have some great delusion that you will be a great mother, but you won’t — you can’t even take care of your dog.” Nice, huh?
In a later medical appointment, Thompson found out she was pregnant and that’s when Ebert allegedly demanded she get an abortion. Sounds like a real nice place to work.

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