Sex health experts take on labiaplasty

As an update to our coverage of labiaplasty and other such forms of vaginal surgery, check out the Montreal Gazette’s article, “Tailor-made vaginas a risky business.”
The piece discusses how a myriad of health dangers are concerning many health experts. The issue was raised at the 17th World Congress of Sexology, which was held in Montreal. I’m sure that was an interesting event.
“The pathologizing of changes associated with age creates a surgical esthetic,” in which sex surgery is used as “a valid form of psychotherapy,” said psychologist and sex therapist Laurie Betito.
Risks of vaginal surgery include infection, hemorrhaging, loss of sensitivity, scarring, nerve damage (causing a shitload of pain) and disfigurement.
While woman obviously have the choice to have this procedure done or not, many were concerned that the surgery is being advertised to the fullest.
The question of women’s motives were raised as well. While there is vaginal rejuvenation or “tightening” that may possibly help women who have had theirs stretched during childbirth, there’s speculation of whether this actually increases or decreases pleasure during intercourse. And labiaplasty just trims the vaginal lips, making them even or “neat.”
An additional issue was raised concerning society’s obsession with penis size, and the occurrence of implants and “stretchers” that men seek.
Betito’s take on all plastic surgery is that it’s just an attempt to appease underlying issues and insecurities that eventually catch up with you. “Once you get used the new ‘you’, then what?”

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