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Reuters released a scary report about some research in Scotland showing that although women are at less risk to get a heart attack than men, they are more likely to die afterward. Their research also suggests that it may be because women receive inferior health care.
The findings were published in the medical journal Heart, where a study was conducted in Scotland of over 1500 men and women between 1994 and 2000 who were admitted with a first heart attack to the hospital.
During a follow-up time period of three years, 41 percent of men and 51 percent of women died. Even though the initial inquiry showed a heightened death risk for women, this dissipated after ruling in other factors, such as smoking, age, and other diseases.
The researchers concluded that, due to their findings, “‘it is tempting to speculate’ that the survival differences reported in other studies may reflect sex bias in the way patients are treated, as well as in other factors such as age.”

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