Congress makes it easier for providers to refuse women abortions

According to the AP, a provision in a $388 billion spending bill passed on Saturday blocks any of the money “from going to federal, state or local agencies that act against health care providers and insurers because they don’t provide abortions, make abortion referrals or cover them.”
This policy is just another another step in the fight against choice, following the lead of the conscience clause laws that states have begun to pass.
Democrats have complained that the provision was slipped into the bill without any discussion in the Senate or the House. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said, “Now any business entity can decide to tell doctors working for it they can’t give information to women about their right to choose.”
Most health care providers that receive federal funds are required to let women who don’t we to be pregnant that abortion is an option for them. But the language in this provision, according to House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi “is essentially a domestic gag rule, restricting access to abortion counseling, referral and information.”
So where are all the folks who said that the right to choose wouldn’t be in danger under another Bush administration? Puh-leeze.
Make sure to check out this 11/20 NY Times article on the bill and its anti-choice implications.

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