Posts Tagged women’s work

women and children at protest

Why “women’s work” is key to a just and sustainable future

When you think of green jobs, certain kinds of work probably come to mind: installing solar panels, insulating houses, maintaining rail lines, maybe building electric cars. They’re all jobs making the kinds of infrastructural and industrial change necessary to transition to a more sustainable economy, one where we take the train instead of driving alone and get our energy from the sun instead of dead lumps of dinosaur. 

When you think of green jobs, certain kinds of work probably come to mind: installing solar panels, insulating houses, maintaining rail lines, maybe building electric cars. They’re all jobs making the kinds of infrastructural and industrial change ...


Sixty percent of women are the primary breadwinner, but still doing most of the housework

Most people who identify as women have to work in this day and age–that’s just the reality of the time we live in (sorry “get back in the kitchen” advocates). But while the day-to-day lives of women have changed substantially, gendered expectations around housework have not. According to a study released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, despite significant shifts in women’s participation in the workforce, the amount of work they do in the house has only shifted marginally.

Some of the findings include:

Household Activities in 2011

–On an average day, 83 percent of women and 65 percent of men spent some
time doing household activities such as housework, cooking, lawn care, or
financial and other household management.

–On the days ...

Most people who identify as women have to work in this day and age–that’s just the reality of the time we live in (sorry “get back in the kitchen” advocates). But while the day-to-day lives of ...