Posts Tagged why women aren’t funny

Beyonce on the cover of Ms. magazine

Weekly Feminist Reader

Bey is on the cover of Ms., giving the feminist blogosphere another month to police her feminism and then yell at itself for this policing.

Read Kiera Wilmot’s story in her own words.

Advertisers can’t ignore the #FBrape campaign.

Prosecuting Ariel Castro for murdering a fetus will endanger pregnant women.

Kanye raps against mass incarceration and private prisons.

How many times does Jerry Lewis have to tell you that ladies just aren’t funny?

The Sun‘s May interview is with Ai-jen Poo.

Reject anti-trans bigotry from Deep Green Resistance.

Students from four more colleges have filed federal complaints against theirs schools for mishandling sexual violence.

Princess Bubblegum rejects a ...

Bey is on the cover of Ms., giving the feminist blogosphere another month to police her feminism and then yell at itself for this policing.

Read Kiera Wilmot’s story in her own words.

Christopher Hitchens saw WMDs in Iraq but missed the humor in women

Christopher Hitchens’s death, much like his life, provoked much discussion and reflection, as well as praise, sorrow, glee, homage-paying, and copious changing of Facebook profile pictures. Since Hitch died last Thursday, several writers have revisited his unwavering support for the Iraq War and his sexism.  Hitchens was as insistent and wrong about the absence of humor in women as he was the presence of WMDs in Iraq. Clearly, perpetuating the second lie has been more harmful, leading to war, deaths, debilitating injuries, trauma, economic and geopolitical disasters. But, since the debate over WMDs is finished, let’s discuss the myth that women aren’t funny, as immortalized in Hitch’s Vanity Fair article,”Why Women Aren’t Funny.”

Like Hitch did, I’ll use a combination of anecdotes and ...

Christopher Hitchens’s death, much like his life, provoked much discussion and reflection, as well as praise, sorrow, glee, homage-paying, and copious changing of Facebook profile pictures. Since Hitch died last Thursday, several writers have revisited his unwavering ...