Posts Tagged voting

Saudi women risk arrests, beatings in efforts to register to vote

Three Iraqi women proudly display ink on their fingers, proof that they voted. Women in other Muslim countries including Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Malaysia, and more can vote. Photo credit: Center for International Private Enterprise.

In Saudi Arabia, all women, regardless of age, are required to have a male guardian. And despite recent promises to change the law, women still cannot vote or be elected to high political positions. In fact, they face beatings and arrest if they attempt to do so.

Which is what makes the attempts of of dozens of women across the country this week to register to vote so extraordinary.

As the Financial Times reports, last week a woman ...

Three Iraqi women proudly display ink on their fingers, proof that they voted. Women in other Muslim countries including Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Malaysia, and more can vote. Photo ...

GOP leader who told Latinos not to vote, voted on Friday

Via Colorlines

I wrote about the group “Latinos for Reform,” a group aligned with the GOP, that tried to air this ad in Nevada, telling Latinos they shouldn’t vote.

Well, their President, Roberto DePosada, ignored his group’s own advice and voted via absentee ballot in Virginia on Friday.

Just more proof that their message was really meant for Latinos who might vote Democrat.

Via Colorlines

I wrote about the group “Latinos for Reform,” a group aligned with the GOP, that tried to air this ad in Nevada, telling Latinos they shouldn’t vote.

Well, their President, Roberto DePosada, ignored ...

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