Posts Tagged Virginia Woolf


Tokenized Genius in the #MeToo Moment

Ta-Nehisi Coates did it again last week. In a practice part prose and part alchemy, he distilled a series of “dragon energy” tweets and a 1980s moonwalk into a complex brew of racial reflection, cultural critique, searing memoir, and political analysis. Reading his “I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye,” I found myself pausing intermittently and turning each sentence over until its layers of meaning and weight came undone. Similar to the way I’d felt reading Between the World and Me and “The First White President.” Every turn of phrase is a reminder of the writer’s genius, of his capacity to find just the right words for a world that resists any form of emotional translation.

Ta-Nehisi Coates did it again last week. In a practice part prose and part alchemy, he distilled a series of “dragon energy” tweets and a 1980s moonwalk into a complex brew of racial reflection, cultural critique, ...

Actually, it's about ethics in affordable dining.

A virtual room of one’s own: Why GamerGate hates crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is not a panacea to the economic inequities of the world; but if GamerGate is any guide, it’s certainly a devil of some sort. In the tangled thread of gendered pathologies that this three-month long yarnball of fury has gathered lies the movement’s shocking antipathy to crowdfunding, with one twitter user sneering that it was “welfare for hipsters.” 

Crowdfunding is not a panacea to the economic inequities of the world; but if GamerGate is any guide, it’s certainly a devil of some sort. In the tangled thread of gendered pathologies that this three-month long ...