Posts Tagged The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller: Rachel Maddow obsessed with vaginas

Yes, I’m totally recycling this brilliant GIF Maya posted yesterday; it’s just too fitting.

Apparently The Daily Caller needs some ear muffs for their delicate sensibilities around the word “vagina.”

I’m not giving any linkage to this ridiculousness, but had to share the deets: there’s a piece featured on their front page today titled, “MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow’s new favorite word: ‘Vaginal’.” Over the course of 10 days while the recent Virginia transvaginal ultrasound legislation controversy was happening, not only did the author take time in his busy job delivering the news to track the number of times Maddow mentioned, “vagina” ...

Yes, I’m totally recycling this brilliant GIF Maya posted yesterday; it’s just too fitting.

Apparently The Daily ...