Posts Tagged takedowns

Quick Hit: Your Blackness Ain’t Like Mine

In response to Alice Randall’s unfortunately titled NYT editorial “Why Black Women Are Fat” Jamilah Lemieux has written a smart and hilarious rebuttal to the mainstream notion that all black people are the same:

Why are Black women fat?Why are Black men in jail? Why can’t Black women find “good Black men?” Why did I get married, too?

Miserable questions that provide no path to answers—but offer broad sweeping generalizations in their stead—have put a lot of money in the pockets of writers, bloggers (that’s not redundant; not every member of the latter group can rightly be described as the former),  and anyone else who profits off the lucrative “Inherent Deficiency Industry.” Yes, I just made that up. Yes, it ...

In response to Alice Randall’s unfortunately titled NYT editorial “Why Black Women Are Fat” Jamilah Lemieux has written a smart and hilarious rebuttal to the mainstream notion that all black people are the same:

Why are ...