Posts Tagged stand your ground

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

In January and February 2013, NYT reporters quoted 3.4 times as many male sources as female sources.

CU Boulder now under federal investigation for violating Title IX.

Unemployment and its symptoms.

Video shows ten men cheering while they gang-rape a 13-year-old girl.

I don’t understand book trailers, but… Atwood.

Single moms and extracurricular fundraising.

Mothers of sons respond to the Zimmerman verdict.

Nancy Pelosi: “This is about how to pay the bills.”

Mychal talks Fruitvale Station with Ryan Coogler.

On the pain of violent men.

The sexist whispering campaign against Janet Yellen.

Teachers write about Trayvon.

Katie on Marissa Alexander and “Stand Your Ground.”

#FF has

Dream Defenders take Florida Capitol, meet with Gov. Scott

In the wake of George Zimmerman’s acquittal, the Dream Defenders–a student collective of young people of color–has taken to the Florida Capitol. The group began their occupation on Tuesday, demanding the passage of the Trayvon Martin Act. According to Colorlines, “the bill would address racial profiling, ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws and school-to-prison pipeline issues  — ‘the three pillars that led to George Zimmerman getting away with killing Trayvon Martin,’ said Dream Defender Philip Agnew on a media call.”

Despite Scott’s stated refusal to reverse “Stand Your Ground,” the Governor agreed to meet with protesters after they took over his office. The Dreamers won’t be backing down anytime soon, though: in a ...

In the wake of George Zimmerman’s acquittal, the Dream Defenders–a student collective of young people of color–has taken to the Florida Capitol. The group began their occupation on Tuesday, demanding the passage of ...

Florida: You can kill an unarmed teen but can’t defend yourself against an abuser

What happens when you have a criminal record, fatally shoot a teenager armed with nothing more than a pack of skittles and an ice-tea and argue you were justified under Florida’s Stand Your Ground Laws? Nothing. The police believe you and it takes a national media campaign to actually get the criminal justice system to look into the case.

What happens when you have no criminal record, don’t harm anyone, but fire shots to scare off an abusive husband, who has choked and punched you, and just threatened to kill you? You get sentenced to 20 years of prison, of course. This is justice in Florida, where Marissa Alexander was sentenced to 20 years of jail time on Friday. ...

What happens when you have a criminal record, fatally shoot a teenager armed with nothing more than a pack of skittles and an ice-tea and argue you were justified under Florida’s Stand Your Ground Laws? ...

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