Posts Tagged sleep

8 Isn’t the Magic Number

Insomniacs and night owls rejoice! Researchers from the UC San Diego School of Medicine conducted a long term study to monitor the effects of sleep on longevity among women, and found that the women who had between 5 and 6.5 hours of sleep lived the longest. Whhhhhhhatttttt? (Insert Lil Jon voice)

For years, the common refrain has been that without 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis then you will be a wrinkly old broad that could keel over at any moment. Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic but really, I don’t know many women (or anyone for that matter) that get 8 hours of sleep every night especially here in NYC. ...

Insomniacs and night owls rejoice! Researchers from the UC San Diego School of Medicine conducted a long term study to monitor the effects of sleep on longevity among women, ...