Posts Tagged Shut that Whole Thing Down

“Legitimate rape” and legitimate abortions

A year after then-Rep. Todd Akin’s “legitimate rape” fiasco, the National Women’s Law Center has released a report in commemoration: Shut That Whole Thing Down: A Survey of Abortion Restrictions Even in Cases of Rape. The report looks at abortion restrictions from the first six months of this year and, as RH Reality Check summarized, finds:

–86 percent (235) of the 273 provisions that politicians introduced in state legislatures to restrict a woman’s access to abortion apply to a woman whose pregnancy resulted from rape.

–71 percent (27) of the 38 state provisions restricting women’s access to abortion enacted by the states apply to a woman whose pregnancy resulted from rape.

–72 percent (18) of the 25 ...

A year after then-Rep. Todd Akin’s “legitimate rape” fiasco, the National Women’s Law Center has released a report in commemoration: Shut That Whole Thing Down: A Survey of Abortion Restrictions Even in Cases ...