Posts Tagged reagan

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Compiled by Alexandra and Jos

We’ve got less than two weeks until the end of our Kickstarter campaign, Feministing #TimesTen. Can you help us reach our stretch goal?

Don’t sanitize Nelson Mandela.

Six things Mandela believed most people won’t talk about.

Colorlines reminds us that Reagan vetoed the Anti-Apartheid Act.

Palestinians remember Mandela.

Ted Cruz thinks his fight against Obamacare is basically the same as Nelson Mandela’s resistance to apartheid. Zerlina covered the backlash at The Grio.

Free CeCe.

Activists demand Mexican-American Studies courses in high schools.

Attorney says trans woman murder victim’s life not worth as much as higher class victims.

Compiled by Alexandra and Jos

We’ve got less than two weeks until the end of our Kickstarter campaign, Feministing #TimesTen. Can you help us reach our stretch goal?

Don’t sanitize Nelson Mandela.

Six things Mandela