Posts Tagged rant.

Mitt Romney and why we need to call racism what it is

At the risk of sounding redundant, but again… enough with the race talk:

“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr. Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

Perhaps we can’t say it enough. I personally have made light of it, uncomfortable , sardonically swiping at the candidate and foot soldiers, noting ironically how this all boils down to resentment that there’s an African American in the White House.

But again, when thoughtless (yet tactical) racial animus comments like these are made in the presidential campaign, do we not call it what it is? To say ‘Anglo-Saxon heritage’ in this context is ...

At the risk of sounding redundant, but again… enough with the race talk:

“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr. Romney, adding: ...