Posts Tagged PTSD

How exercise helped me survive assault

Exercise and fitness helped me recover from the trauma of sexual violence.  In my first piece for RH Reality Check, I consulted a number of survivors about how they came to prioritize self care, including, running, yoga, meditation, and martial arts as a form of therapy and a way to cope.  Physical activity can reinvigorate your mind, body, and spirit and help you to feel in control again.

Via RH Reality Check:

One of the hardest parts of recovery after sexual assault is regaining control over your life. Rapists steal a survivor’s control by violating their bodily autonomy, and the aftermath can be a series of ups and downs for survivors, battling back against both the emotional and physical trauma, until ...

Exercise and fitness helped me recover from the trauma of sexual violence.  In my first piece for RH Reality Check, I consulted a number of survivors about how they came to prioritize self care, including, running, yoga, ...

Quick Hit: Veterans’ partners and children often struggle with PTSD too

The great Mac McClelland  has a must-read piece in the latest Mother Jones on the epidemic of post-traumatic stress disorder among military families. Yes, families. PTSD is affecting not only returning vets but also their partners and children–and few are getting the help they need.

Brannan Vines has never been to war, but her husband, Caleb, was sent to Iraq twice, where he served in the infantry as a designated marksman. He’s one of 103,200, or 228,875, or336,000 Americans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan and came back with PTSD, depending on whom you ask, and one of115,000 to 456,000 with traumatic brain injury. It’s hard to say, with the lack of definitive tests for ...

The great Mac McClelland  has a must-read piece in the latest Mother Jones on the epidemic of post-traumatic stress disorder among military families. Yes, families. PTSD is affecting not only returning vets but also their partners ...