Posts Tagged media justice

6 charts that show just how white and male the US media remain

The Women’s Media Center has released its third annual report on the status of gender and racial diversity in the media. The conclusion reached, yet again, is that “the American media have exceedingly more distance to travel on the road to gender-blind parity.”

How far exactly? After the jump are six charts that illustrate just how white and male the US media remain.

The Women’s Media Center has released its third annual report on the status of gender and racial diversity in the media. The conclusion reached, yet again, is that “the American media have exceedingly more distance to travel on ...

Reel Grrls and Comcast: What one tweet can show us.

As corporate takeover of media continues to infringe on our ability to have a free and objective press, last week one tweet from the amazing organization Reel Grrls, gave us a taste of just how vulnerable public dialogue and dissent can be to corporate media interests. Reel Grrls is a Seattle based group that builds the confidence and story-telling abilities of young and generally disenfranchised women through teaching them how to shoot and produce films. What was their beef? That Comcast-NBC Universal’s latest hire for VP of governmental affairs just happens to be a former FCC commissioner, Meredith Attwell Baker. Any onlooker would observe this with suspect.

The big nefarious tweet that caused the problem? “OMG! @FCC Commissioner Baker voted ...

As corporate takeover of media continues to infringe on our ability to have a free and objective press, last week one tweet from the amazing organization Reel Grrls, gave us a taste of just how vulnerable ...