Posts Tagged McCullen

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Submit your picture to stand up for health care, not harassment.

“Buffer zones work. So they have to go.” 

The White House needs to address McCullen.

The feminist ethics of make-up are endlessly complicated but our love for Jenny Slate is not.

The Senate HELP committee held a hearing on campus sexual violence yesterday.

Submit your picture to stand up for health care, not harassment.

“Buffer zones work. So they have to go.” 

The White House needs to address McCullen.

The feminist ethics of make-up are endlessly complicated but ...

McCullen: A view from a thousand feet

Abortion clinics are a dangerous place for staffers and patients. As Vicki Saporta told the Huffington Post,”[s]ince 1977, there have been 8 murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, 181 arsons, and thousands of incidents of criminal activities.” You wouldn’t know that, though, from yesterday’s Supreme Court decision McCullen v. Coakley. Maya wrote yesterday that the dangerous, disappointing McCullen struck down Massachusetts’ “buffer zone” law. Buffer zones were set up to protect people entering abortion clinics for services or work against violence and harassment — but Chief Justice Roberts, writing for the majority, elides these threats and re-imagines the anti-choice protester as a grinning granny with  some good advice.

Abortion clinics are a dangerous place for staffers and patients. As Vicki Saporta told the Huffington Post,”[s]ince 1977, there have been 8 murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, 181 arsons, and thousands of incidents ...