Posts Tagged Maggie Nelson


On Anniversaries

1. When I graduate college, a friend sends me a poem. “It’s said it takes seven years / to grow completely new skin cells. / To think, this year I will grow / into a body you never will / have touched.”

1. When I graduate college, a friend sends me a poem. “It’s said it takes seven years / to grow completely new skin cells. / To think, this year I will grow / into a body you ...


Feministing Reads: Maggie Nelson’s The Argonauts

Maggie Nelson’s new book The Argonauts (Graywolf Press) made me feel many things while reading, but nothing more often than giddy. So many kinds of joyfully awed, for so many reasons. I have joked to friends that I cannot distinguish between loving The Argonauts because it is good and loving it because it is the kind of book I am always trying to read, wanting to write. (And what is the former if not the latter, anyway?)

Maggie Nelson’s new book The Argonauts (Graywolf Press) made me feel many things while reading, but nothing more often than giddy. So many kinds of joyfully awed, for so many reasons. I have joked to ...