Posts Tagged IUD

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Quote of the Day: Colorado lawmaker says IUDs stop “a small child from implanting”

Colorado has a very effective program that provides IUDs to poor and uninsured women at no or low cost. The public health department estimates it has helped cut the teen unintended pregnancy rate by 40 percent and saved the state more than $20 million in Medicaid funding. 

Colorado has a very effective program that provides IUDs to poor and uninsured women at no or low cost. The public health department estimates it has helped cut the teen unintended pregnancy rate by 40 percent and ...

Chart of the Day: Abortion rate fell to lowest rate in 30 years thanks to birth control

According to a new study from the Guttmacher Institute, the US abortion rate fell by 13 percent between 2008 to 2011, continuing a fairly consistent long-term downward trend and reaching its lowest point since 1973

According to a new study from the Guttmacher Institute, the US abortion rate fell by 13 percent between 2008 to 2011, continuing a fairly consistent long-term downward trend and reaching its lowest point since 1973

The cutest little IUD you ever did see

Seriously, German designer Ronen Kadushin’s open-source concept for new IUD design made out of a one-cent copper coin is adorable and–with a price tag of just €1.25–a steal.

Kadushin’s design isn’t actually workable–yet. (REPEAT: Do NOT try to put this little bear head in your uterus!) But, like Jenna at Jezebel, I’m excited to see the IUD getting the attention.

I became an IUD evangelist about a day after I got my Mirena, which was–not at all coincidentally–around the time the cramping from the insertion stopped. Over the past two years, my fondness for that magical little “T” in my uterus has only grown with each day that I spend forgetting that it’s there. The thrill of ...

Seriously, German designer Ronen Kadushin’s open-source concept for new IUD design made out of a one-cent copper coin is adorable and–with a price tag of just €1.25–a steal.

Kadushin’s design isn’t actually workable–yet. (REPEAT: ...