Posts Tagged health care reform

Why HHS collecting LGBT health data is a big fucking deal

The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) announcement yesterday that they plan to begin including sexual orientation and gender identity in health data collection probably doesn’t sound that exciting unless you’re a total data nerd. But it’s actually a really big fucking deal.

The Affordable Care Act (health care reform) gave HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius discretion in collecting data about health disparities. Under the new plan, “HHS will integrate questions on sexual orientation into national data collection efforts by 2013 and begin a process to collect information on gender identity.”

There is a lack of data on LGBT folks, who we do know face disparities in health and access to health services. Without federal health data, it’s practically ...

The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) announcement yesterday that they plan to begin including sexual orientation and gender identity in health data collection probably doesn’t sound that exciting unless you’re a total data nerd. ...

Abortion access is a youth issue

The current attack on abortion rights in the House is an attempt to extend already despicable bans on funding for abortion, the only medical procedure explicitly excluded from federal funding, as far beyond their current scope as possible. Federal funding for abortion is obviously a class issue, as it is the poorest people in the US who most need help accessing medical care. The reproductive justice community has done a great job of emphasizing that this is a racial justice issue, pointing out the intersection between race and poverty in the US. Here’s another intersection that I think deserves our attention: abortion funding is a youth issue.

The majority of people in the US who need abortion care ...

The current attack on abortion rights in the House is an attempt to extend already despicable bans on funding for abortion, the only medical procedure explicitly excluded from federal funding, as far beyond their current ...

Opposing birth control coverage should be as ridiculous as hating puppies

A while ago, a friend on Facebook shared an article about a politician who was opposed to an anti-puppy mill bill. It didn’t really matter if you knew any details of the legislation—obviously, the expected reaction was: “OMG, can you believe someone would be against puppies??? LOLZ!!”

This week, a special panel convened by the Institute of Medicine held its first meeting to determine if birth control will be included among the preventive services that should be covered at no cost under the new health reform law. While it didn’t make the cut the first time around, there’s still hope that contraception could be free for every woman in the U.S.

You’d think a proposal like this would have widespread ...

A while ago, a friend on Facebook shared an article about a politician who was opposed to an anti-puppy mill bill. It didn’t really matter if you knew any details of the legislation—obviously, the expected reaction was: ...

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