Posts Tagged feticide laws

miscarriage of justice

Indiana woman found guilty of feticide and neglect for having a miscarriage

Yesterday a jury convicted Purvi Patel, the Indiana woman arrested after miscarrying and seeking help at the ER, after five hours of deliberation. She faces a maximum sentence of 70 years in prison. 

Yesterday a jury convicted Purvi Patel, the Indiana woman arrested after miscarrying and seeking help at the ER, after five hours of deliberation. She faces a maximum sentence of 70 years in prison. 

Another Indiana woman is being charged with feticide after seeking medical help

A few years after Indiana tried to charge Bei Bei Shuai with feticide after she attempted suicide, the state is now going after another woman for the crime.

Purvi Patel went to the ER with vaginal bleeding after delivering a fetus at home. Initially, prosecutors charged Patel with “felony neglect,” claiming the fetus was born alive and then subsequently died. But now they’ve decided to add a charge for “feticide” –  that way, if the fetus was stillborn, as Patel claims, they’ll still hold her accountable since she admitted to taking drugs to try to self-abort. As Sally Kohn writes at the Daily Beast, the two charges directly contradict each other. 

A few years after Indiana tried to charge Bei Bei Shuai with feticide after she attempted suicide, the state is now going after another woman for the crime.

Purvi Patel went to the ER with ...