Posts Tagged “fetal pain”

Boehner and Rep. Franks

First up on the new Congress’ agenda: Ban abortion after 20 weeks

On its very first day back in session, the new Congress got straight to work on the issue most important to the majority of Americans the small, vocal minority of anti-choice activists who control the Republican party: passing an unconstitutional ban on abortion.

On its very first day back in session, the new Congress got straight to work on the issue most important to the majority of Americans the small, vocal minority of anti-choice activists who control the Republican party: passing ...

House passes 20-week abortion ban

Yesterday evening the House of Representatives passed the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” a ban on legal abortions 20 weeks or more after fertilization based on dubious evidence that fetuses can feel pain during the second trimester. Sound unconstitutional? That’s because it is; courts have struck down similar state-wide bans in Arizona and Idaho (and temporarily delayed a similar measure in Georgia) based on Supreme Court precedent.

We don’t yet need to gear up for a legal fight on this the national ban, though, because it won’t become law this time around: the Senate isn’t pro-choice, but it is unlikely to even ...

Yesterday evening the House of Representatives passed the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” a ban on legal abortions 20 weeks or more after fertilization based on dubious evidence that fetuses can feel pain ...