Posts Tagged Emily Nussbaum

What We Missed: International Transgender Day of Remembrance Edition

Trans activists meet at the White House today to discuss the state of transgender rights.

The National Black Justice Coalition launched its #BlackTransProud campaign.

Find out what Day of Remembrance events are happening near you–in the US. and worldwide.

A message to cis allies from s.e. smith: “What we’re asking for is your solidarity and your willingness to work with us for a better world.”

Dr. Ziegler explains why centering race in trans advocacy is crucial.

HuffPo marks the day with a celebration of “50 Transgender Icons.”

And in other news…

Clinton heads to Gaza.

On the heels of a U.N. report naming Pakistan as one of the worst countries for children’s education, the country’s National Assembly passed a bill ...

Trans activists meet at the White House today to discuss the state of transgender rights.

The National Black Justice Coalition launched its #BlackTransProud campaign.

Find out what Day of Remembrance events are happening near you–in the US. ...