Posts Tagged domestic work


A Victory for Domestic Workers

Congrats to Domestic Workers United for winning a seven year battle to have a “Domestic Workers Bill of Rights” enacted in New York State. Yesterday, New York Governor David Paterson signed a bill that will guarantee domestic workers such as nannies, housekeepers, and caregivers of the elderly one day of rest per week and after a year of employment, a minimum of three paid days off.  It also includes protection against sexual harassment and other types of discrimination, and is supposed to strengthen current laws for live-in domestic workers.

One day a week off and 3 paid days off after a year of working may not sound like much but it’s a victory for the over 200,000 domestic ...

Congrats to Domestic Workers United for winning a seven year battle to have a “Domestic Workers Bill of Rights” enacted in New York State. Yesterday, New York Governor David Paterson signed a bill that ...

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